January 23, 2012

4 - LIBE 465 Reflections week 5

Week 5

I am still figuring out how to post in my own blog, and where to post it in the LIBE 465 Course Discussion Board.... Hopefully I get it right this time!

For the last few weeks, I have been able to practice cataloguing with the Teacher Librarian I volunteer with. I have been able to input new books by 'copying' the records, just like Cathie mentioned in our readings this week! We scan the ISBN, 'copy' the record from an existing book (often in another school in the district), scan the new School Board label, and type in our school code. I check to make sure it shows up correctly, and Presto - it is done! Also, we are weeding books from the collection, and I get to 'delete' records from the catalogue (very similar to copying), and watch them disappear on the screen as I throw the books into a cardboard box below. It is pretty cool to see it in action, and know that we are creating the catalogue as we go - it seems live time. Pretty cool....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Doni,
    You've done some great reflections here! I know you will find all of them of great help when you come to writing your paper for Assignment #1. You have truly come to understand how and what to write in a blog... ie short and truly reflective!
    Keep going!
    Onward and upward!
